Sunday, July 13, 2008

Bradleys anti pro wrestling

Despite the entertainment value that viewers of Professional Wrestling, such as the WWE and the UFC, may receive it is in fact a great example of the lowest of cultures in America.

Professional Wrestling promotes a culture of violence to the american youth. Similar to shows like Jackass and Jerry Springer, wrestling shows that america is proud of it immature and violent nature. Not only is wrestling similar to Jackass in the fact that it shows stunts that often end in injury and pain, but more importantly that todays youth often repeat these stunts which often end in tragic injuries  among today’s youth, despite warnings of “do not attempt” at the beginning of each show. Shows like Jerry Springer a market off the entertainment and enjoyment of fighting in American society. Greatly similar to this because not only does it feature violence depicted for the shear purpose of entertainment, but they both feature dramatic situations that are often farfetched, and often seem like the only resolution is fighting. 

Another problem with wrestling is that it hold no educational value, and will often draw viewers away from the news or shows of higher culture. Wrestling is typically targeted toward an uneducated class and is greatly popular among that crowd because it features a simply story line to make the fighting have a greater purpose than just a fight, it also does not feature complex dialogue or anything difficult of that nature. As a result the show comes off as immature, often disgracing women’s physique making men seem stupid and arrogant. More importantly the show airs after prime-time T.V., around ten, often drawing attention away from the news. 

Professional wrestling holds no educational, no high-cultural value, is violent and is potentially fake in both it fights and story-lines. Therefore it is not a good form of media and should be watch cautiously. 

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