Description: The Jerry Springer Show is a TV talk show that is supposed to help families and friends work out their problems. Both Jerry Springer and the studio audience try to offer suggestions that will help the relationship between the guests. Typically the topics that are brought up on the shows are: divorce, cheating, racism, adultery, incest, sexuality etc. Because these topics are so controversial, there is security on set to keep the guests under control when constant fights break out.
Analysis: The clear pattern of The Jerry Springer Show is that none of the problems are ever settled calmly; every episode involves fighting, screaming, hostility, and unreasonable actions. All the guests on the show use violence in an attempt to solve their problems, which rarely ever work out.
Interpretation: The people that come on the show are not really looking to solve their problems, but just get it out in the open and gain some attention. Some of the fighting on the show may not even be completely real, but just used to boost viewer’s interest.
Evaluation: I think the show is pointless and accomplishes nothing in any of the situations brought onto the show. The show seems like it promotes fighting to solve any argument, which is not the ideal way to work out a problem. None of the guests seem satisfied or made any progress with their situation after the show. I get the impression that the show is more used for entertainment purposes than to actually help families and friends figure out how to fix their problems.
Engagement: If the guests really want help fixing their relationship with their family member, loved one, or friends, they should go to a private help facility. There, they will be able to offer professional advice in order to benefit the situation.
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