Comedy Centrals hit comedy series South Park, created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone, is a show geared toward mature children and young adults that portrays a satirical view on events that are currently going on in the world. A couple of examples of topics the show has used are: the smallpox epidemic, the guitar hero fad, and a parody of Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ titled The Passion of the Jew. Although the show has won multiple Emmy Awards it receives a ton of criticism worldwide as you can imagine from the aforementioned topics the series covers. The show rarely shows sympathy for anyone that may have been involved in any of these events. Instead it makes fun of every event; no matter how tragic or serious the event was to the people involved. This is not just every now and then; this is a clear pattern of how the show is written.
Obviously, the reason Parker and Stone do this is because it entertains their viewers in an original and very creative way but at the same time they are corrupting America’s youth. I know this because every week in high school, the morning after whenever a new episode was aired, talk of the content of the show was what everyone was talking about. Even months later you still hear references to quotes from South Park. It is definitely very influential on young people in America today.
As I mentioned earlier there are many adults, mostly parents of children who watch the show, that have complained that the show is inappropriate and inconsiderate and should not be on television. Although, it would take a huge call to action to get this show off the air, every letter that is written to Comedy Central, the FCC, or to Parker and Stone directly probably does help the cause of getting this show off the air or to at least lessen the extent of controversy they stir in the show.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
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